Recent Additions

Benchtop Centrifuge

Thermo Sorvall ST-16R Benchtop Centrifuge

This Thermo Sorvall ST-16R Centrifuge in in great condition and [...]


Thermo Scientific Forma HERAcell vios 160i, 51030405, CO2 Incubator, Air Jacketed, 165 L 5.8 Cu. Ft.

This Thermo Scientific Forma Steri-cycle i160 CO2 Incubator is in [...]


Thermo Revco UXF60086D61 -86°C UltraLow Freezer

This Thermo Revco UXF60086D61 -86°C UXF Upright ULT Ultra-Low Temperature [...]

Floor Centrifuge

Beckman Coulter LE-80K Optima Floor Model UltraCentrifuge

This Beckman LE-80K Floor Model Centrifuge is in used condition [...]


Thermo Fisher Scientific U86-25A4B 25 cu.ft. Ultralow -80C Freezer

This Thermo Fisher Scientific Model 25 cu.ft. U86-25A48 -80° C [...]


Thermo Scientific Revco REL5004A -4°C Refrigerator REL 51.1-cu ft | 1447L

This Thermo Scientific Revco REL5004A -4°C Refrigerator REL 51.1-cu ft [...]

Platform Shaker

Thermo Lab-Line MaxQ 5000 (4350) SHKE5000 Floor Model Incubator Shaker

This Thermo Lab-Line MaxQ 5000 (Model: 4350), SHKE5000 Floor Model [...]


Thermo Scientific Precision Compact Mechanical Oven 1.7 cu. ft. (48.1 L) 120V – PR305225M

Gravity-flow convection ovens with electronic control, ideal for general laboratory [...]


Thermo Scientific Model 3920, 29 cu.ft. Refrigerated Environmental Chamber

This Thermo Scientific Model 3920 Refrigerated Environmental Chamber is in [...]

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