Arcturus PixCell II Laser Capture Microdissection Microscope

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SAM_5033Laser capture microdissection (LCM) is a technique that provides a simple method to obtain targeted cells from a multi-cell population.   The Arcturus (PXL-200) PixCell II LCM, built around an Olympus IX50 inverted microscope, uses a near-infrared diode laser and a CapSure® Macro/HS LCM Cap to capture target cells.  When the laser is fired, dimples are created in the cap.  These dimples wet a matrix which attaches to a targeted cell, which can be lifted off the glass slide without taking other cells around it.  Once the cells are captured they can be used for various experiments such as amplification of DNA or RNA from the isolated cell(s) for analyses.  During microdissection, the laser never touches or damages any of the cells.  This Arcturus LCM microscope is in excellent condition, has been fully tested by our Scientific Research staff, and comes with a warranty.


  • Arcturus Pixcell II (Olympus IX50) Microscope with movable (X-Y) stage
  • Solid-state near-infrared laser diode with spots sizes of 7.5µm, 15µm, and 30µm
  • Arcturus (PXL-200) PixCell II Instrument Controller with remote trigger
  • COHU Color CCD Video Camera
  • Sony Trinitron Colored Monitor (14″ /13″ viewable)

Olympus Objectives:

  • UPlanFl 4x/0.13
  • UPlanFl 10x/0.30
  • LCPlanFl 20x/0.40
  • LCPlanFl 40x/0.60


PRICE: Please Enquire!

Item comes with a 90-day warranty.

We will be happy to provide you a quote, which will include shipping and handling. Codes BJ14000, BJ14001, BJ14002, and BJ14003.

Click here for a quote

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