Thermo Scientific Multiskan FC Microplate Photometer

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This Thermo Scientific Multiskan FC Microplate Photometer is in new condition and has been fully tested by our technical staff.

This unit includes a keypad display for easier use

Light Source Quartz Halogen Lamp
Measurement Speed 7 s for 96-well plate (fast mode)

13 s for 96 well plate (normal mode)

Accuracy ± 1% (0 to 3 Abs) or ± 0.003 Abs, which ever is greater at 405 nm
Filters 8 Position filter wheel; filters installed:405nm,450nm,620nm
Dimensions (D x H x W) 15.7 x 8.7 x 11.4 in.
Voltage 100/240 V

This unit includes a 90 day warranty.

Price: Please Inquire

We will be happy to provide you a quote, which will include shipping and handling. Code 14121.

Click here for a quote

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