Category Archives: News
Clients in the News – Yale School of Medicine Valentine’s Day Special: This is Your Brain on Love
These findings won’t appear on any Hallmark card, but romantic love tends to activate the [...]
Clients in the News – Ohio State Scientists Create Candy that May Join Fight Against Cancer
Whether it’s a plate or pyramid, healthy eating guidelines always give fruits and vegetables center [...]
Clients in the News – Harvard University researchers have a new model for organ repair
Harvard Stem Cell Institute (HSCI) researchers have a new model for how the kidney repairs [...]
Clients in the News – University of California Researchers open door to new HIV therapy
People infected with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) can stave off the symptoms of AIDS [...]
Clients in the News – Johns Hopkins researchers succeed in reversing obesity-induced fatty liver disease in mice
Johns Hopkins researchers have discovered that valproic acid, a widely prescribed drug for treating epilepsy, [...]
Clients in the News – Penn State Researcher turns sights on prostate cancer, tissue engineering, blood vessel repair
When biology and materials science converge, the results can be new materials that can be [...]
New Year’s Biotech IPO Boom?
The first 31 days of 2014 were fruitful for biotech companies going public, according to [...]
Clients in the News – Stanford University study finds DNA of peanut-allergic kids changes with immune therapy
Treating a peanut allergy with oral immunotherapy changes the DNA of the patient’s immune cells, [...]
Clients in the News – MIT Researchers Find New Method Can Kill Drug-resistant Cancer Cells
Cisplatin is a chemotherapy drug given to more than half of all cancer patients. The [...]
Clients in the News – University at Buffalo Studies Problems with Alzheimer’s protein can jam up traffic in the brain
Scientists have known for some time that a protein called presenilin plays a role in [...]
Clients in the News – Rice University Create Better Protein Capture: A Boon for Drug Manufacturers
Rice University scientists have created a way to fine tune a process critical to the [...]
Clients in the News – New Facility and Research Funding at Duke University
A new Eye Center Clinical Facility at Duke University is currently under construction. The new [...]
Clients in the News – NIH has Funded Potential MRSA Treatment Trial
Scientists have begun the first human clinical trial of EDP-788, an investigational oral antibiotic intended [...]
Clients in the News – Texas Tech University Paleontologist Presents Origin of Life Theory
It has baffled humans for millennia: how did life begin on planet Earth? Now, new [...]
Clients in the News – Congratulations to Neuralstem in Closing $20 Million Registered Direct Offering
Neuralstem, Inc. (NYSE MKT: CUR) announced that on January 8, 2014, it closed on a [...]
Clients in the News – Northwestern University Silences Incurable Brain Cancer Gene
Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), the brain cancer that killed Sen. Edward Kennedy and kills approximately 13,000 [...]
Clients in the News – Washington University Researchers Link DDT, Obesity
Washington State University researchers say ancestral exposures to environmental compounds like the insecticide DDT may [...]
Clients in the News – UC San Francisco Genetic Discovery Helps Guide Bladder Cancer Treatment
A UC San Francisco-led team of scientists has discovered that a gene mutation found in [...]
Clients in the News – University of Rochester Discovers Sleep Cleans Out Gunk in Brain
When we sleep, our brains get rid of gunk that builds up while we’re awake, [...]
Clients in the News – Duke School of Medicine finds Stress Reaction Gene Linked to Death, Heart Attacks
A genetic trait known to make some people especially sensitive to stress also appears to [...]