SpectraQuant™ – PS Sky Kits

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Check for transfer artifacts. See your proteins before you probe!
SpectraQuant™-PS Sky is specifically designed for high sensitivity visualization (~15-30 ng) of proteins bound to nitrocellulose or PVDF. Proteins can be rapidly stained (5-10 min), documented, and destained prior to western blotting or other applications.

  • Rapid (5-10 min)
  • More sensitive than Ponceau S
  • Totally Reversible
  • Immuno-compatible

Description Amount List Price Sales Price Cat# Order
PS Sky Kit – For Nitrocellulose 1 kit $122.00 $115.00 PS003N

PS Sky Kit – For PVDF 1 kit $132.00 $122.00 PS003P

Additional information:
Two-fold Serial dilutions of ProSieve (R) protein markers (Lonza Group Ltd. Switzerland) were separated by SDS-PAGE (10%). Following electrophoresis, the gel was stained with SpectraQuant™ PS-Sky.

Technical Literature
PS-Sky Application Manual (pdf)